
Monday, March 2, 2015

A Kickstarter to Bring a Fantasy Trilogy to Bookstores Near You

Are you a fan of sci-fi and/or fantasy novels? Want to see more of these books by independent authors make their way into your neighborhood brick and mortar bookstores? Check out the Kickstarter campaign currently being run by author Leeland Artra.

Leeland Artra is the author of the Golden Threads trilogy, and his books have a solid track history with strong sales and reader reviews. The first two books in the series are currently available in e-book and print-on-demand format, and with the Kickstarter funding, the books will be republished in hardback and pocket paperback editions.

As the author writes on his Kickstarter page, the novels "represent twenty years of world building, and thousands of hours of work crafting them for your enjoyment." He's using the money he raises to put the books through an additional editing and proofreading process, and then to get them distributed by Ingram.

The novels are set 20,000 years in the future, and the main characters are a young mercenary woman and a junior wizard. The books are described as an epic journey and have maintained an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon, with over 600 reviews so far.

Along with undertaking this project to get books one and two of the trilogy into the hands of more readers, Artra is also hard at work on book three, and he says it will be released very soon.

This is an author who has really put the time and effort into his books to develop a following of readers--and this Kickstarter could be just the boost he needs to help his work find an even wider following. If you want to get more of an idea of his work, you can read an excerpt of book one, Thread Silvers, here; and read an excerpt of book two, Thread Strands, here.

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